Tá réimse leathan de sheirbhísí á soláthar ag Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta idir Naíonraí, naíolanna, cúram iarscoile, clubanna bricfeasta, grúpaí spraoi agus
Language Supports
CNNG is providing language support for services operating mainly through English in the Gaeltacht, to encourage the use of Irish in those services. The approach is aimed at parents, children and service staff, to guide them towards the natural use of Irish in the service and at home. We have excellent facilitators who are doing workshops on singing, rhymes, poems, storytelling, games, puppet shows and drama skills all through the medium of Irish. We share the language in a fun way with the children.
The supports we provide include:
- Information and support on how Irish can be part of the everyday life course in the service.
- Support material to promote the language in the service.
- Organising a workshop in the service to promote the language.
- Material to be given to parents to convey the importance of bilingualism to them.
Contact us at the button below for more information.
Our Language support services

Gaillimh/An Mhí
Dún na nGall
Maigh Eo
Gaillimh/An Mhí
Corcaigh/Port Láirge
Corcaigh/Port Láirge
Enriching & Acquiring Langauge
There are various advantages to bilingualism. International research shows that bilingualism helps a person’s intellectual capacity and awareness. There are more employment opportunities available to people who are bilingual. Bilingualism itself increases the child’s self-esteem and self-confidence. With the benefit of bilingualism, it will be easier for your child to learn more languages in the future. When a person has two languages at will, that person has access to the heritage, literature and music of those languages from the inside.
Rhymes, Poems & Story-Telling
Find below the language support packages put together by Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta. Inside them there are rhymes and poems to support them in learning the Irish language through music and creativity.
Christmas Songs:
Tá daidí na Nollag ag Teacht:
Rudolf an Fia Rua:
Cloigín Nollag:
Bualadh Bos:
An Dromadóirín:
Tá sé ag Báisteach:
An Eala Bhán:
Suas agus síos leis na lámha Beaga:
Tá Litir acu dom:
Language Planning Officers
There are a wide range of language planning supports available.
Additional Supports
Additional supports are available below:
Cló Iar-chonnacht
Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta
News & events
Tá fás agus forbairt mhór déanta ag CNNG san earnáil luathbhlianta le fiche bliain anuas agus is mór an onóir é dúinn comóradh
Bíonn muid ag earcú foirne i ngach ceantar gaeltachta in Éireann dár seirbhísí. Féach ar na folúntais atá againn faoin leathanach “Folúntais”